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Monthly Archives: May 2016

Week Ending 5/27/16

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  Last Day of School

Our last day of school was originally set for Thursday, June 16th.  However due to the many extra hours we have this year as well as the fact that teachers will be starting Responsive Classroom training June 20, our LAST DAY is a half day on Wednesday, June 15th. Parent/Teacher/Student conferences will be Wednesday afternoon and Friday as scheduled. Thursday will be a staff workshop day.

Annual Survey

A link to this year’s parent survey was emailed on Thursday. You can also access it here. Your feedback is very important to us so please take a few minutes to complete it. Thank you!


Memorial Day: No School May 30th
Spirit Week: May 31st – June 3rd

  • Tuesday – USA Day
  • Wednesday – Class Color/Polaris Gear Day
  • Thursday – Crazy Hair or Hat Day
  • Friday – Luau Day

Student Appreciation Day: June 1st (Rain Date June 10th)
Learning Celebration: June 8th
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences: June 15/17


During this week, each morning I asked students to share times when they showed perseverance. Times such as learning to ride a bike, learning to skate and performing in a play when it was scary were some of the things mentioned.

Torrey also shared a poster that she made with a quote about perseverance:


Star Students

This week’s Star Students were: Colton, Crosby, Lasya, Leo, Mayla, Sophia and Viveanna. Way to persevere!



 Perham Class Share

Today we acted out a silly song that we have been singing in class called “Don Gato.” Although the song did not have much to do with perseverance, we needed to stay focused and fix problems with our play in three days.  This took teamwork and dedication.  

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Buddy Time 

Students in Ms. Haynes and Ms. Gilbert’s classes got together this week. The Intermediate students provided some assistance to Primary students with their projects. They were a great help!


Field Trip

Primary students had the opportunity to visit the Seacoast Science Center/Odiorne Point on Thursday where they experienced a presentation with a naturalist and then explored tide pools. Luckily the weather cooperated and it was a great day!

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PEF News

Pennies for Polaris

Do you or your students have pennies or other spare change at home? Maybe in a piggy bank, or a jar, or in the cushions of your couch? Turn that change into playground fun! From *May 20th thru June 3rd*, the PEF is holding a penny drive.

All donations will go towards new equipment for the playground.

We want the students to be a big part of this fundraiser, so please encourage them to bring their coins in to school and ask family, friends and neighbors for their help too.

Pennies for Polaris, it just makes cents!

If you have any questions, please email me at alicia.ferrieo@yahoo.com.

Week Ending 5/20/16

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  Some Board of Trustee Updates

Dear Polaris Families,

It’s hard to believe that our school year is coming to a close soon.  I hope you all have some fun activities lined up for June, July and August!

I wanted to let you know that two members of the Polaris Board of Trustees have resigned.  Kate Baker has been an integral part of the Polaris family but he time commitment became too great for her and I regrettably accepted her resignation.  Steve Walsh has moved out of the state so I also regrettably accepted his resignation.  These two individuals worked above and beyond for our school and its children.  If you should see them, please thank them for their enthusiastic efforts and unwavering perseverance.

When one door closes, another door opens!  With that, I am happy to tell you that Camila Miranda was voted onto the board at our May meeting.  Camila has been a tireless advocate for the safety of our children and has spent countless hours on behalf of Polaris.  We welcome her with open arms!!

The board will not be meeting in June or July so our next meeting will be August 16 at 6 p.m. at Polaris.  All families are welcome to attend.

Have a relaxing and fun summer!


Dellie Champagne
Board Chair




Wednesday May 25th – Volunteer Appreciation Brunch. If you plan to attend please contact Nancy
Primary Field Trip: May 26th
Memorial Day: No School May 30th
Spirit Week: May 31st – June 3rd

Tuesday – USA Day
Wednesday – Class Color/Polaris Gear Day
Thursday – Crazy Hair or Hat Day
Friday – Luau Day

Student Appreciation Day: June 1st (Rain Date June 10th)
Learning Celebration: June 8th


To follow up on our conversation about the actor Sylvester Stallone and the making of the movie “Rocky” we played the theme song “Eye of the Tiger.” So many of the kids knew it and we sang and danced!

We also Read the book “Courage” by Bernard Waber. It talked about everyday examples of courage such as jumping off a high dive, sleeping without a nightlight and being the first to make up after an argument. On Thursday, Miss Gilbert’s class shared their every day acts of courage.



Star Students

Congratulations to our persevering students. Nice job Amadu, Colton, Emmy, Jackson, Joon, Josie and Yousif!



 Hydra Class Share

This trimester we continued learning more about the periodic table of elements. Each student chose a different element to focus on and turned their element into a superhero. They gave their superhero different powers based on the properties of the element and what it is used for. We have also been learning about poetry and figurative language. Each child wrote a poem based on the ecosystem they chose for projects and included three different types of figurative language. Lastly, each child is researching a food chain that exists in their ecosystem as well and is making a diagram to represent it. Examples of each of these were share at Morning Gathering on Friday.

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Thank You Mr. Henderson

Finn and Josie’s dad, Aaron Henderson, gave a wonderful presentation to our Intermediate students on renewable energy focused mainly on windmills and wind power. We learned many things such as they are about 500 feet tall and cost millions to make.

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PEF News

Pennies for Polaris

Do you or your students have pennies or other spare change at home? Maybe in a piggy bank, or a jar, or in the cushions of your couch? Turn that change into into playground fun! From *May 20th thru June 3rd*, the PEF is holding a penny drive.

All donations will go towards new equipment for the playground.

We want the students to be a big part of this fundraiser, so please encourage them to bring their coins in to school and ask family, friends and neighbors for their help too.

Pennies for Polaris, it just makes cents!

If you have any questions, please email me at alicia.ferrieo@yahoo.com.

Proposed Changes to Bylaws

The bylaws of the PEF require that any changes be publicized prior to a vote. Last night at our meeting there was discussion surrounding changes that would need to be made to allow the PEF to continue to function with a large number of vacancies on the Executive Board. The exact proposed changes are below, along with brief descriptions of the reasons changes were needed.

Article 3 Section 1- Members

Currently Reads:  Any parent, guardian, or other adult standing in loco parentis for a student at the school is a member and shall voting rights.

The director, teachers, and staff employed at the school are member and have voting rights.

-Board of directors are not clarified.
-Parent guardian and “incoming” parents need to be clarified.

Change to:  Any parent, guardian, or other adult standing in loco parentis for a student at the school, current or incoming, is a member and shall voting rights.  The administration, board of trustees, teachers, and staff employed at the school are member and have voting rights.

Article 4 – Section 5

Currently Reads:  If there is a vacancy in the office of president, the vice president will become the president.  If there is a vacancy in any other office, the Executive Board may appoint and interim officer until the vacancy is filled during the next regular election at the annual meeting.

*Change to*:  *If there is a vacancy in the office of president, the vice president will become the president.  If there is a vacancy in any other office, the **remaining **Executive Board may appoint and interim officer until the vacancy is filled during the next regular election at the annual meeting. *

Article V Section 1- Executive Board

Current:  The Executive Board shall consist of the officers, school director, standing committee chairs, and two members-at-large.

-Too many people.  Looking to bring this number down so that it is more realistic to have enough members present at a meeting to vote.

Change to:

*The Executive Board shall consist of the officers. *

Article V Section 4

Current: Six  members to include a minimum of 4 executive board members shall constitute a quorum

Change to:  *Six  members to include a minimum of 4 executive board/1 committee chair member or 1 member at large would constitute a quorum*


*Six members to include a minimum of 2 executive board members plus two committee members/2 members at large would constitute a quorum.*

Nominations for Positions

We’re excited to announce that we now have someon running for every single position!The positions will be voted on at next month’s meeting, on June 9th at 7pm.

Proposed new officers and committee chairs are:

Melanie Currier for President
Jayme Putnam for Vice President
Colleen Vignale for Treasurer
Katie Cote for Secretary
Althea Dubravsky for Enrichment Chair
Jenna Pedone for Volunteer Chair
Jessica Perkins/Liza VanLandinham for Fundraising Co-Chairs
Daniela De Los Reyes and Melissa McCann for Members at Large.

Week Ending 5/03/16

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  Science NECAP

On May 17th, 18th and 19th, from 9:00-11:00 fourth grade students will be taking the Science NECAP exam.

Teacher Appreciation 

Thank you so much Polaris parents for our staff appreciation lunch. It was yummy and so very appreciated!


Congratulations Mrs. Rainey!

Welcome to the world Aubrey Brooks! Mrs. Rainey and her husband Alex welcomed their baby girl on April 26th. She weighed 6 pounds 14 oz and was 20 inches long. Everyone is healthy and happy.


During May, we will focusing on the Core Value of Perseverance. We started of discussing what it means. The next day we read the book “Beautiful Oops” by Barney Saltzberg. It is a story about how mistakes can turn into opportunities that can be explored, celebrated and turn into something beautiful.



Finally, we read the poem below:

Don’t Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow–
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor’s cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out–
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit–
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

– Author unknown –

Star Students

Our trustworthy students this week were: Dominik, Joey, Jonas, Lexi, Lolo, Raden and Tania. Congratulations!


Mrs. Rainey also awarded her entire class commending them on the time they had together this year and how she trusts that they work well with Ms. Meli for the remainder of the school year.


 Vela Class Share

Mrs. Fesh’s class worked on coming up with ideas for one of our whole school morning songs “Down by the Bay.” Students worked in groups of four to come up with pairs of rhyming words that work with the song like, “Have you ever seen a camel shopping with a mammal” down by the bay?


PEF News

Open Positions

Although you may run for any position on the PEF, we currently have no one to running for the following positions: Vice President, Secretary, Fundraising Chair, Enrichment Chair, and Volunteer Chair. This potentially means we will have no means of fundraising for the school next year, no after school enrichments, and no one to coordinate volunteers for the teachers. Several of these positions will be vacated due to the 2 year term limit. Please contact us with any questions you might have about these positions at pef@polarischarterschool.org! Below are some descriptions of the positions.

Vice President

The Vice President acts as President if the President is unable to carry out the job and assists the President as needed. The V.P. works with the Secretary to produce and send Thank You notes for donations. Ideally, the V.P. is in training to be President and would take over the President’s job at the end of the President’s tenure but it is not required. This position did not take a great deal of time at all and is great for a working parent who cannot come to the school during the day to volunteer. It does require attendance to PEF meetings once a month.


The secretary is responsible for the recording keeping of the PEF, including being present to take and record minutes, preparing the agenda, handling correspondence, and sending notices of meetings to the membership. It does require attendance to PEF meetings once monthly.

Volunteer Chair

This position involves emailing and coordinating with parents and school staff to make sure that the school has the volunteers needed to help the school run smoothly. This position would be ideal for a parent that cannot come to the school physically but has access to email and phone throughout the day. However, it does require attendance to PEF meetings once a month.

Fundraising Chair

The Fundraising chair plans and executes all fundraisers that the PEF runs. Access to email and phone throughout the day would be recommended. This is time and labor intensive, but has been done very well by working parents in the past. It does not require much time in the school, however availability for events is crucial. 

Enrichment Chair

The Enrichment chair coordinates all of the after school programs at Polaris. Frequent access to email and phone throughout the day is recommended. It does require an occasional in-school presence, however the Enrichment chair could arrange volunteers with the Volunteer chair.

May Meeting

The May PEF meeting will occur on May 19th, at 7pm, at the school. All parents and staff are welcome to attend, as they are already voting members of the PEF.


Kids yoga does not have enough participants to run, and thus has been cancelled.


Engineering has a makeup day on 5/11.